Developmental Editing
When you need incisive questions and straightforward, balanced feedback on any and all elements of story: character, plot, voice, structure, tone, pacing and delivery, at any stage of your writing process.

When you're stuck, need to get back on track or don't know where or how to begin.

To make sure it's a good fit, I ask new clients to submit two to three pages for sample editing at no charge.

Manuscript Review
Includes a read-through of the entire manuscript, a written overview with comments and suggestions, (but no line edits), and a follow-up discussion.

Typically a flat fee determined by the size of the manuscript.

Line Editing Process
I usually use Track Changes in Word but am happy to use GoogleDocs on request.

CM Adams Editing

Whether your writing process is painful, liberating, exasperating, fulfilling or all of the above, there is no better feeling than finally capturing what you want to put into words.

A primary goal as editor and coach is to establish a partnership based on mutual respect - a true collaboration. While I can offer suggestions and guidance, it is your - the author's - ultimate vison that will always take precedent. The invitation is always there to take what works and toss out what doesn't.